Wednesday, May 03, 2006
More Presentations

This morning I saw three more presentations. Everyone was good at public speaking. Everyone did pretty well. Everyone, yet again, only covered one event. One had only basic details and only a press sheet giveaway. Another gave away granola bars and a press release. The last one gave away a flyer and t-shirt. I got worried that they knew something about the project that I didn't, and asked Professor Frisina if it's weird to have more than one event. Apparently the more the better. It's nice to know that she has confidence in me.

Today I finished my fact sheet (I decided against a backgrounder) and the press release for Buona Sera. I also printed a gift certificate and menu insert for Buona Sera. As of now I am making everything I want to include. When it comes down to actually presenting, whatever fits in fits in. I think I've solved the demo dilemma. I will play it while I am taking about schools. Whenever I am done with schools I will stop it. If I have time at the end I will finish it. I am going to try to make up one more press release tonight (I only have two press releases left to make), and attempt at the cover for a recipe book that I may or may not use.

I am leaning toward no glow sticks, short intro, long school part, long Buona Sera part, shorter diabetes walk part, and short wedding part.

So I only have to create three more things, but I have to print and stuff a ton of papers. Also, I have to label a few things and put the finishing touches on the survival kits.

Public Relations, PR, PR Campaign, Invitations, Press Releases, Presentations

posted by Allison Martin @ 10:29 PM  
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